1. In Custom Vue Blade-Free LASIK we make the flap using a laser rather than a metal blade. This is a huge advance, it is more accurate and gives you a better quality of vision.
  2. We use a special measurement called wavefront aberrometry that creates a fingerprinted vision that is unique to your eye and allows us to get a better percentage of 20/20 compared to the older standard LASIK that is based on your glasses prescription.

They are not required. Dr. Paul Garland, M.D. is putting the medicine in the eye at the time of surgery and makes the need for post-op drops either zero or much less than before, saving patients up to $600 and eliminating the hassle of post surgery medications.

Cataract is a clouding of the eyes natural lens. With time and age the lens becomes cloudy. When it becomes cloudy enough it can be removed and replaced to enhance vision. It can give you better vision and less need for glasses than you ever had before. The lens implants are permanent and you will never need cataract surgery again.

Eye dilation is done on almost all routine eye exams. Expanding the pupil, allows any doctor to take an un-obstructed view of all of the internal eye structures, probably the most important part of an eye exam. Viewing the back of the eye allows to check for any medical condition of the eye. Most often we can detect diabetes, glaucoma, or any circulatory abnormality. There is a new technology of retinal scanning with optos. In some cases we can obtain a very precise digital image of the eye precludes us from having to do a dilated eye exam.

Astigmatism means is the lack of roundness of the cornea. The cornea is the front of the eye, whereas the cataract lives behind the pupil. If they have astigmatism they will still need glasses. Glasses will correct it but there are special surgery techniques that will get rid of the astigmatism.

There are a variety of treatments, the newest we have is lipiflow. It can change the way your eyelids create oils to help give you a good stable tear film and prevent dryness.

This is a normal condition called presbyopia. The crystalline human lens does not change shape as regularly as it once did. There are several ways to help negate this such as using reading glasses, bifocal glasses, contact lenses and some surgical procedures.

We tend to not blink as often when reading and a muscle inside the eye called the ciliary body can spams and not change focus the way it should. It helps to concentrate on blinking a little more or taking short breaks looking away from the reading material.

At the very latest they should see an eye doctor before they attend school. If you notice an eye turning in or out, your child squinting or have trouble seeing when covering one eye, you should have them see an eye doctor, no matter what age.

Glaucoma is hereditary, parents can pass it to their children and can be diagnosed at any age. It can go almost undetected until the point in which it may be too late, therefore, you should be checked at a routine yearly screening.

Macular Degeneration is a well-known condition, inherited from parent to child and to their children. We now have the option to look through genetic testing and should be checked at routine screenings. This simple cheek swab can be done in our office and is filed under your insurance.

Yes, the eye is the best indicator for detecting diseases for many conditions. There are many people that have had urgent surgery by our diagnoses that has saved their lives over a five year period. Diabetes and blood pressure are some of the basic things we do see and diagnose before some doctors are able to and we refer them to out to their primary care doctor.

In people with diabetes, retinopathyEye disease that is caused by damage to the small blood vessels in the retina. Loss of vision may result. (Also known as diabetic retinopathy) X can get worse after removal of the lens, and glaucoma may start to develop. Diabetes can affect the eye at any age. If you are a juvenile onset with diabetes you can notice changes at 10 or 12 years old, sometimes even earlier. With adults it will usually take an onset in their 60s or later. Once established it is important to monitor once a year.

Yes, we do cataract surgery on patients with diabetes or macular degeneration every day. There are special considerations on patients with other diseases. But we do it all the time and the results of the patents still tend to be extremely good.

No, traditional cataract surgery is done by hand, using a blade. The Eye Center of North Florida was the first in the state of Florida to offer laser cataract surgery. In 2010 a new type of laser, LenSx, was created and FDA approved. Most practitioners have not make the investment to purchase that technology. In 2011 we received the LenSx technology and we are the only ones in this area to offer this technology.

Yes, this is being seen more and more now. There are some special considerations when in terms of accuracy and types of lens implants that we choose to use. It can be extremely successful in patients that have had previous surgery and help achieve your glasses free, best vison.

Anyone over the age of 18 that has a stable eyes, meaning their prescription doesn’t change frequently, is able to have LASIK surgery.

LASIK is considered permanent to some degree. The correction is very stable for 10 to 15 or more years. There are other things that can change with your eyes over time such as cataracts or the need for reading glasses so you do still need to monitor changes in your eyes.

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